Monday, July 17, 2023

Oracle Dice

These are handy oracle dice. I roll these when I don't want to mess with charts or chaos factors and just want a simple answer from an oracle.

Three sides are YES, and three others are NO, so this is a 50/50 chance of just rolling one die.

If I want an "unlikely" chance of 25%, then both need to come up YES for a positive result.

If I want a "likely" chance of 75%, then if one of them shows YES, that is a positive result.

Do I need more than 25%, 50%, and 75%? 

For solo play? Probably not.

I could also use these to generate a YES-NO result with AND or BUT results (taking into account the left-to-right positioning of the die roll):

  • YES-YES: Strong yes
  • YES-NO: Yes, and/but...
  • NO-YES: No, and/but...
  • NO-NO: Strong no

The and/but result can be determined by the situation, or just roll one of the dice again, YES = and, NO = but. Alternatively, if the first die is farther away from you, that is an and; if the second is farther away, that is a but. We got six results with two dice!

With two sets, you could get into three (12.5%) and four dice (6.25%) percentage combinations, but that feels like a bit much, and then you would need a chart. With just two dice and a little creativity, you can make these two simple dice do a lot of cool oracle tricks.

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